J.C. Hill Home & School Meeting
Monday, October 16, 2006
6:00 – 8:00 pm.
1. Welcome & Introduction of Members - The following Home representative was present – Deneen Montour (Chair) and the following School staff were present – Luanne Martin, Joe Restoule General, Cathy Jamieson and Louise Hill
The following are a list of ideas the group brainstormed on how to increase parent and staff participation at Home & School meetings and events:
All teachers are asked to assign students the task of following the guide on how to make invitations with a R.S.V.P.(Nov. 6) from "Writing Makes Sense" to invite parents to next home and school meeting. RSVP due by Nov. 10.
Notices with meeting dates for Home & School to be distributed to all students at the same time and attached to invitation.
Notice of J.C. Hill Home & School meetings and events read on CKRZ Radio.
Make arrangements for Information sessions and/or guest speakers to present at Home and School meetings.
Hold an Achievement Awards Night in place of day time assembly to recognize students. Have students recognized at Home & School meeting.
Send Volunteer Form home to parents. Indicate class representative for each class.
Include Home and School Meeting and Event dates in Agendas
Include Home and School Meetings and Event dates on Blogs
All teachers are asked to send Home & School notices/event information home as part of weekly Oral Reading assignments. Students should read to parents and parents sign and return.
Notices and flyers posted around school one week prior to meeting/event, announcements made daily to promote the event e.g. guest speaker
Include Home and School Meeting and Events dates on monthly calendar if there is going to be one
Ideas for Guest Speakers – Nov. - Peer Helping Anti-bullying speaker/session presentation. Dec. - Speaker on Media and the role of the internet – CyberSpace Information.
Ordering of School Clothing and Mugs.
Ideas to increase Staff Participation– Buddy system, representatives from various areas - A teacher each from the following divisions/areas Grade 8, Grade 7, Special Ed., Support staff, Administration and Language
Discussion on how to increase participation of parents and staff at Home & School meetings and events lead to the following procedure to be implemented
"The expectation of the J.C. Hill Home and School is that each parent will demonstrate support for the organization by attending a minimum of one meeting or event throughout the school year in order for their child(ren) to be sponsored through the use of Home & School funds for the year end trip beginning October 2006."
The group felt that equity in the distribution of support is important and that a few parents working on behalf of all students was not equitable. The group hopes that this will ensure greater participation by a larger number of parents/guardians
This Home & School procedure will be sent home with all students along with the volunteer form. It will be stated that the Home & School looks forward to all parent’s future involvement throughout the 2006-2007 school year.
Record keeping in the form of Sign-In sheets will need to be kept at all future events.
2. Home & School Executive – Deneen Montour will serve as Home & School Chair. She will serve as Secretary, until one is found. This will ensure record keeping. Wilma Williams will serve as Treasurer for the 2006-2007 School year. The Home & School needs to fill the position of Vice or Co-Chair and Secretary as soon as possible
3. Approval of Agenda – Cathy Jamieson requested that the Canadian Spelling Bee be added to the agenda. Joe Restoule General was also added to the agenda re: request for monies.
4. Principal’s Report – Louise Hill reported on the following:
Peer Helping Program is going very well
Design and Technology Program going well
Cross Country team is largest in years
Behaviour class is a challenge, taking up a lot of administrative time. She suggested that a separate handbook for the behavioural class be developed for parents. The handbook would address parental expectations
INAC is reviewing the Grade 7 & 8 Policy
Administrators received bouquets from staff for "Boss’s Day"
5. Graduation Committee – Deneen reported that Joy Johnson had told her that Lois Bomberry has volunteered to help.
6. Treasurer’s Report – Wilma Williams was not in attendance. Deneen reviewed the balance she reported on at the Open House. The Home & School currently has a balance of $5, 114. 25.
7. Fundraising – The group reviewed the Volunteer Form. Additional Fundraising events were added to the list. The group discussed the Hallowe’en Fun Night. The group hoped to simplify. Letters for participation and donations will be going home to parents.
The group scheduled a planning meeting for the Hallowe’en Fun Night on Thursday, October 19th @ 3:15 pm. At the school. All parents and staff are invited to attend.
Hot Dogs, Pop, Needle in the Haystack, Face Painting, Photos and possibly Sandy the Psychic were suggested. ACTION: Deneen to prepare all notices, etc.
TOY BINGO - Discussion regarding the Toy Bingo – December 16, 2006 took place. The Home & School will be putting request in for additional money to the Dreamcatcher funds, Six Nations Council and Six Nations Police.
Additional suggestions for fundraising included:
Raffle offering Mrs. Jamieson’s Painting, Stan Wesley – Photography
School Clothing and items – Possibly for a Home & School Meeting
Mugs with collage of student’s artwork
School Christmas Cards.
8. Discussion of how to use 2006-2007 Home & School funds –
Suggestions included:
Research materials
Iroquoian singing group –water drums, rattles, supplies. Mr. Sowden will be looking after this
Pennies, sport jerseys, school shirts.
9. Focus for this coming year – ideas and suggestions for future meetings
Ideas for Guest Speakers:
Nov. -. School Clothing and items e.g. Mugs for Ordering
Dec. - Peer Helping Anti-bullying speaker/session presentation
Jan. - Speaker on Media and the role of the internet – CyberSpace Information
10. New BusinessSpelling Bee – Received information from Bernadette Wabie, WCC will be coordinating the Spelling Bee this year. Registration Date is due November 30, 2006. Coaching begins on December 14th. Regional competition between March – April. Ontario Championship Final in May and Provincial Championship in June. $450.00 to cover registration costs, 3 students per class, but being flexible. $25.00/student. Cathy Jamieson will put request into Union. If the Union does not approve request then the Home & School will cover the cost.
Request for Money from Home & School Budget – Mayhem Poets – Sanderson Centre, October 24th, 2006. It covers Language Arts curriculum, inspires students to write poetry. Ticket cost is covered by students. Request for Home & School to cover buses - $112.00 x 4 buses = $448.00. Home & School accepted request by consensus.
11. Adjournment(Thank you to D. Montour for providing these minutes.)