J.C. Hill Home & School Meeting
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
6:00 pm.
1. Welcome & Introduction of Members - The following Home representatives were present – Deneen Montour (Co-Chair), Ida White (Co-Chair), Wilma Williams (Treasurer). The following School staff were present –Joe Restoule-General, Cathy Jamieson, Darlene Maracle, Dan Dunnigan, Luann Martin and Parents – Tonya Thomas (Classroom Rep for 7-1) and Tara White.
The meeting was held in the Library.
• Deneen to pass around sign in sheet so that those in attendance can be included on the list of parents/students who fulfilled the Involvement policy.
• Deneen requested that teachers also keep track of parents that volunteer time and/or make donations directly in the classroom. ACTION: This to be mentioned to staff at next staff meeting
• Deneen to place sign up sheet in office and ask that office staff ensure that parents sign the Home & School volunteer/donation sheet for record keeping purposes.
• Suggestions for improvement in efficiency when serving hot lunches – Note from Home & School be sent home so that consistent message is given to parents. Prepare to have extra bowls and utensils. Communicate serving plan to all staff.
• Home & School to get contact information for volunteers from school and make contact with volunteers prior to the day the lunch is served.
Review of Minutes of Last Meeting – September 19, 2007
The group read over the Minutes from the open house and nominations process. There were a number of requests received from staff verbally during the week of the open hours. Deneen reminded the group that the process for requests must be followed. Those requesting monies from Home & School should present the request in writing at the Home & School meeting prior to the date the monies are needed
Business Arising from the Minutes• Classroom representatives were not determined the night of the open house. Tonya Thomas – Logan Smith (7-1) has stepped forward and Scott Hill – Austin Hill (7-3) has volunteered through the volunteer form. The Home & School would like teachers to continue to seek a classroom representative to represent their class on Home & School. Cathy Jamieson suggested that teachers approach parents on Report Card Day if they have not secured a rep. before then.
• ACTION: This directive to be mentioned to staff at next staff meeting
• Deneen inquired about School Cards to acknowledge parents that helped with Thanksgiving Lunch. ACTION: Deneen to send thank-you letters
Principal’s Report• Grade 7 class sizes are large as numbers of students are high
• There is a boundary policy for Six Nations Schools
• Focus continues to be on Literacy
• Luann Martin has a ½ time position as Student Success/Transition teacher
• School is planning a Grade 8 trip to Ottawa and a Grade 7 trip to Camp Olympia. They are seeking funding from community trust and other resources
• There are 8 Teacher Assistants. They are very strong. 5 of the 8 are paired with individual students. The remaining 3 are in classrooms
• Jamieson/J.C. won Cross-Country and Girls 3-Pitch are Brant County Champions
Recycling – Last year, teacher Joe Restoule-General inquired about the school re-initiating a recycling program. The school has contacted Abbitibbi – a Company that will take all paper products. Luann reported that she spoke with Isabel Hill to inquire the cost for pick up of recycling- Cardboard and plastic - $30.00 per pick up. Abbitibbi will provide some fees back to school for recycled paper. This amount may be applied to cost of getting cardboard and plastics picked up.
Treasurer’s Report – Wilma Williams provided an updated balance of $8540.18.
Snack Program – Food for Thought cheque in the amount of $568.60 will be coming to the school. Wilma provides snack program on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings. Deneen reported that there are parents who will volunteer for snack program. Wilma reported that Wendy Staats is off for 2 weeks and no ordering can be done.
Hot Lunches – Classroom representatives can volunteer to provide a hot lunch to their child’s homeroom on Thursdays. The parent volunteer and Wilma will have to set a date to determine what supplies need to be ordered through the snack program. A monthly calendar should be created and orders put in 3 weeks in advance. ACTION: A date for a meeting should be organized at the school with all parents interested in providing hot lunches for students.
Halloween Fun Night - The group discussed the Hallowe’en Fun Night. The group hoped to keep the students engaged. Letters for participation and donations will be going home to parents. The group scheduled a planning meeting for the Hallowe’en Fun Night on Thursday, October 25th @ 3:30 pm. at the school. All parents and staff are invited to attend. Deneen provided drafts of sign up sheet, letter to parents and advertising poster. She has confirmed Sandy the Psychic. Other activities include food booth (BBQ and/or Pizza?), Loonie Table, Witches Hand Craft, Popcorn and a Movie,
Needle in the Haystack, Face Painting, Photos and possibly Karaoke. ACTION: Deneen to prepare all notices, etc.
New Business –
Fundraising – Deneen suggested a fundraising endeavour for clan bags, blankets, etc. The group felt that it would be a good idea to run the fundraising campaign from Nov. 1 – Nov. 30th. ACTION: Deneen to get in contact with the supplier.
Skate-A-Thon Fundraiser – Luann suggested that the Home & School determine the date for the Skate-A-Thon through SN Parks & Recreation. The group discussed possible dates of Friday, November 9, 16 or 25. ACTION: Deneen to get in contact with Parks and Recreation to book at date. Home & School to provide forms for Skate-A-Thon permission/information and pledge sheet.
Luann mentioned that Lana Henhawk had agreed to cater for the November 2, 2007 PD Day at Six Nations. She will be providing a soup/sandwich lunch and the proceeds will be split between J.C. Hill and O.M Smith Schools.
Requests – Deneen reminded the group that the process for requests must be followed. Those requesting monies from Home & School should present the request in writing at the Home & School meeting prior to the date the monies are needed
Meeting with other Home & Schools – It was suggested that Home & Schools may benefit from holding joint meetings to share information and to support similar initiatives ie. Recycling. Deneen has been told by INAC that Home & School organizations are seen as the school boards
TOY BINGO - Discussion regarding the Toy Bingo – December 8, 2007 took place. The Home & School will be putting request in for additional money to the Dreamcatcher funds, Six Nations Council Donation Fund, Six Nations Police, Bank of Montreal and KLM. Deneen asked Dan if a donation letter could be updated and distributed to parents.
Deneen is completing reports from last year and submitting applications for this year.
The group discussed prize board and if it was reasonable to spend money on electronic prizes or get donations of toys. The group will re-think this and decide at a meeting called specifically to plan the Toy Bingo. ACTION: Date of Meeting is Tuesday, October 23, 2007 @ 4:00 pm.
The group also discussed the amount of interest being earned at the BOM and feel it is low. ACTION: Wilma to inquire about higher interest rate account and GIC for money made at Toy Bingo.
Deneen had Dan sign off on Dreamcather Community Service Verification.
Deneen and Ida stayed behind to meet. Deneen caught Ida up on planning. They discussed dates for Halloween Fun Night Meeting.
Next Meeting Date – Tuesday, November 15, 2007