Friday, December 20, 2013
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Monday, December 09, 2013
Thunderbird Stories
See below for a writing contest open to all First Nations youth. We have some talented writers at our school and I would like to see you all submit your writing. Please see Mr. Restoule General if you have something you'd like to submit OR some ideas you'd like me to help you develop into a writing piece. I will work with you during school hours to help polish your submission.
Deadline for submitting stories is February 28th 2014, 5:00pm EST. Winners will be announced on March 20th 2014 at the First Annual Thunderbird Stories Ceremony.
Ottawa - With the winter season fast approaching, we will soon be in our warm houses, with our friends and families. Our ancestors used to gather at this time of year and share stories and legends with one another. This year Thunderbird Times ( is sponsoring an Indigenous Writing Contest called Thunderbird Stories ( The contest started on November 1st 2013 and contest winners will be announced, March 20th 2014 at the First Annual Thunderbird Stories Ceremony.
Deadline for submitting stories is February 28th 2014, 5:00pm EST. Winners will be announced on March 20th 2014 at the First Annual Thunderbird Stories Ceremony.
We encourage and welcome companies, businesses and individuals to assist with sponsoring the First Annual Thunderbird Stories Contest, partial proceeds will be donated to Families of Sisters in Spirit. For more information on a sponsorship package, please contact
Thunderbird Times states, “Our stories and legends are an important part of our cultures, history and nationhood. The top 10 writers will have their stories/legends published in a book at the end of the contest. First place prize will be $1000.00, second place prize will be $500.00 and third place prize will be $250.00.”
Application Information and Eligibility Requirements:
- You must provide proof of Aboriginal ancestry attached to submission
- All ages are welcome
- Your submission must be under 2000 words and must contain Aboriginal content
- Submissions must be sent via email to in a PDF or Doc file and received by deadline February 28th 2014, 5:00pm EST
For more information on how to participate or if you have any questions please or email
- See more at:
Friday, December 06, 2013
Friday, November 29, 2013
JC Hill staff and students are getting their mojo on with moustaches and jerseys for Movember and Jersey Day. Photos to come!! While we await the photos, here's probably the BEST EVER combination of a hockey jersey moustache sporting individual the world has ever seen...
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Final Math Problem of the Week is (Finally) Solved.
Congratulations to Hodesidahe for solving the phone number Math Problem of the Week last week. For his efforts, he received a slice of pizza. Since these problems have proven to be quite difficult to solve and have taken students a LONG time to solve them (even though they ARE grade level appropriate--in fact, some are from below grade level tests and contests--what's going on JC Hill teachers and students???) I think I may go to a Math Problem of the Month to allow for some more time for students to digest and attempt to solve these problems. Look for a new one in December.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Monday, November 18, 2013
The website is now up and running. This site is designed to help teachers, parents and students find different ways to explore the math concepts learned in school.
Friday, November 15, 2013
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Monday, November 11, 2013
Tuesday, November 05, 2013
High School Grade 8 Days
Parents and Students! Remember to check this blog for high school information. On the left hand side is a small agenda of upcoming High School events and if you scroll right down to the very bottom there is a full calendar of events. I try to put the high school's initials first so you can quickly see the school your child (or you) are planning to attend. This was shared on the form sent home in mid-October requesting your 1st and 2nd choice of high school. These forms were due on October 24th to plan our grade 8 high school visits and future communication regarding high schools. Some students have yet to return their form.
Hagersville Secondary School and McKinnon Park Secondary School both have parent information nights coming up at the end of the month. Click on the calendar event for details.
For those interested in Cayuga Secondary School, their grade 8 day is next week on the 13th. As we normally do not have a lot of students planning to attend CSS, parents/guardians would have to take their child to CSS and supervise them there.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Halloween Door Decorating
Don't forget to get decorating your classroom doors for Halloween!
The winning class will get popcorn and movie!
Remember the judges will only be looking at your door, any decorating beyond that is just for fun :D
Judging will happen October 31st in the morning.
Don't wait until the last minute :)
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Math Problem of the Week #4
Some ketchup gets spilled on a napkin where you have written the last digit of your friend's ten digit phone number. What is the maximum number of phone calls you would need to try in order to know what your friend's number is?
Write your name, homeroom number, and your answer on a piece of paper and give it to Mr. Restoule General in the Resource Room. This week's winner will be drawn from all the correct submissions on Wednesday, October 30th and win a special Halloween prize! Good luck.
Friday, October 18, 2013
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Math Problem of the Past Weeks
There will be no Math Problem of the Week for this week, as it is a shorter school week. Students are still welcome to try and solve the initial problem of the week, as Ms. Graham is the only one to solve it so far. (Mr. Sowden's son solved it too. He won't tell his dad how he got the answer.) Congratulations to Cloe and Chris again for solving the third problem of the week.
Friday, October 11, 2013
32 Mesmerizing GIFs That Will Make You Fall in Love with Science
4. Concentrated sulphuric acid is added to p-nitroaniline, and this happens.
Explanation with the video.
9. Earth’s ice and vegetation cycle over a year.
Based on images from NASA’s Visible Earth team.
10. A piece of metal is melted inside an electromagnet.
This one takes a while but is worth the wait.
13. A loop of plasma four times the size of the Earth erupts from the Sun.
NASA / Via
15. Hydrogen peroxide mixed with potassium iodide.
Makes something known as elephant’s toothpaste.
21. A superconductor levitates over a magnetic track.
It’s called the Meissner effect. Explanation in this video.
26. The Elephant’s Trunk nebula in 3D.
J-P Metsavainio /
More nebula images here.
29. Sulphur hexaflouride is much denser than air.
Don’t try this one at home: sulphur hexaflouride is almost 24,000 times more potent than carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas.
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