Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Home & School May Meeting Minutes

J.C. Hill Home & School Meeting
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
6:00 pm.


1. Welcome - The following Home representatives were present – Deneen Montour (Co-Chair), Wilma Williams, Ida White (Co-Chair), Danielle Johnson, Dana Longboat, Rhonda Johns and Carmel Bomberry. The following School staff were present – Cathy Jamieson, Dan Dunnigan and Joy Johnson.

The meeting was held in the Staff Room.

2. Acceptance of Agenda – Agenda accepted by consensus

3. Review of Minutes of Last Meeting – April 15, 2008. The group read over the Minutes from the last meeting. Minutes accepted by consensus.

4. Business Arising from the Minutes –
• Deneen reported that a graduation meeting of interested parents took place at the school on Monday, May 12th. Six parents attended. The committee brainstormed ideas and determined possible activities, budget, survey and letter to parents as well as a possible menu for the luncheon.
• Deneen reported that $214.00 was made at the Bread & Cheese Parking. The following individuals worked all or part of the day – Deneen Montour, Skylar Montour, Kylie Miller, Tanya Martin, Yegwenyes Martin and Kaitlin Longboat. This money will go toward graduation.
• Deneen had tallied the results from the Graduation Surveys. She had received only 38 surveys out of a possible 75 as of Friday. She reviewed the results and asked that the remaining grade 8 students have an opportunity to complete the survey and that the surveys be given to Deneen to tally.
• Deneen shared some of the staff’s responses to the draft letter to parents regarding Graduation. Staff responses were not in favour of holding the graduation at the Six Nations Community Hall as had been suggested by the graduation committee. They were not in favour of a graduation fee nor were most in favour of the possible fundraising activities suggested by the graduation committee.
• Deneen provided feedback from a parent regarding the request to hold the graduation in a location that could accommodate all family members as many members are forced to stand at the back of the gym during the graduation ceremony.
• Parents on the graduation committee discussed their reasons for wanting to hold the JCH graduation at the Six Nations Community Hall.
• Danielle was concerned about fire safety and the capacity of the gymnasium.
• Deneen had spoke to SN Parks and Recreation and was quoted a price of $23.00/hour for rental of the community hall for schools. Everyone present felt that the cost was manageable.
• After a lengthy discussion, it was decided that the JCH graduation would be held at the SN Community Hall.
• Other plans included a video dance at an earlier date, sponsored by the SN Police, a luncheon on June 23, 2008 for the Grade 8 students and staff, decorations to be supplied by Florence Styres and Gifts from the H & S include a t-shirt with school crest and names and a $20.00 Staples gift card/student.
ACTION: Deneen to confirm rental of community hall and book Lana Henhawk to caterer graduation luncheon.
• ACTION: Dana to contact Florence Styres regarding decorations
• Deneen needs correct spelling of names of all graduates as soon as possible for t-shirts and she needs to get sizes of shirts.
• ACTION: Joy Johnson will get Deneen a list of graduates from Amanda Hill
• The group reviewed the proposed budget. Other possible fundraisers were suggested; Admission to the Teacher/Student Basketball game, Gum chewing Day and Hats and Hoods day.
• Tim Horton’s Coffee run was also suggested as was a dress down day on Fridays
• The staff at the school are willing to help oversee some of the fundraising activities.
• Graduation Luncheon - $10.00 x 100 people = $1000.00 (To be paid by H & S)
• T-Shirts - $10.00 x 75 students = $750.00
• Staples Cards - $20.00 x 75 students = $1500.00 (To be paid by H & S)
• Community Hall Rental - $138.00
• Decorations - $300.00
• Decorations/tables, etc. for Luncheon – In-Kind donations

Amount received to Date - $214.00
Still need to raise - $974.00

School is willing to provide monies from their pizza fund.
We will see how successful the fundraising activities will be and determine how much is still needed.

6. Treasurer’s Report – The treasurer’s report was moved up on the agenda as Wilma had to leave early. Wilma provided a treasurer’s report. The report included the most recent requests for money and expenditures.
Mr. Restoule needs to be reimbursed for pizza order – receipt to follow.
Wilma and Deneen were not sure who to write the cheques to. This has posed a problem through out the year. ACTION: Requests should include who to make the cheque to when requesting the funds.
Deneen had not heard from Genina Hill regarding the share of profits for the Track & Field Food booth. Dan shared that Jamieson was concerned that no parents were there to help during the day. Dan will inquire about the amount at the Jamieson Home & School meeting.

ADDITION to the AGENDA – Carolyn King, Grandmother visited Home & School regarding a concern about JCH students drinking alcohol on Bread & Cheese day at the Fairgrounds. The concern was that the students were able to purchase the alcohol from a local bootlegger, no students helped those who were intoxicated and a group of students were taking pictures with their phones of those who were passed out. She expressed her concern about how this could be addressed at the school since it involved students at the school.
Dan address what the school has done to date regarding issues of drinking alcohol at school. The school takes the role of prevention. There have been a couple of instances of students bringing and consuming alcohol at the school earlier in the year and this was dealt with accordingly. Dan assured Carolyn that the school would continue to speak to the students about the seriousness and implications of drinking alcohol.

5. Principal’s Report made by Dan Dunnigan
• Dan will take decision to hold graduation at Community hall to staff
• Dan excused himself to attend the Jamieson Home & School meeting
• Cathy Jamieson distributed the criteria for the awards.

7. Snack Program – Joy Johnson attended to report on the Snack program. Healthy snacks were provided on Mondays and Fridays and a Hot lunch on Wednesdays. Walk With Me program provided whole wheat bread which helped with costs. Presently there is $8, 150.00 in the snack program. The program has been stopped as of the beginning of May. A new fridge was purchased and the kitchen is to be remodeled. Students who want to help are volunteers for the snack program.

8. New Business – Information Updates and follow up from April 5, 2008 meeting.
• Wonderland Trip will be on June 18th, 2008, 9 am to 7:30 ish. Cost per student is $25.00. Deneen provided the list of students who will receive $20.00 toward the year end trip based on the Involvement Policy of the H & S. The group went over the list and Deneen asked that staff be given an opportunity for input and suggested names based on the policy. Intermediate Multi-level students were included. Deneen will update the list and give to Joy Johnson.
• Canada’s Wonderland buses – approx. $950.00
• Deposit for SN Community Hall - $250.00 cash. Security deposit for retirement dinner can be used for graduation. (See Joy or Anne)

9. Adjournment

The group set a date for the next graduation meeting on Monday, June 9th, 2008

Next Meeting – Tuesday, June 17, 2008

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